We’ve resolve to notify INEC of our plan to recall Hon. Aminu Lawal Anty, say Comrade Musa Mohammed

We’ve resolve to notify INEC of our plan to recall Hon. Aminu Lawal Anty, say Comrade Musa Mohammed 
Some constituents of Doka/Gabasawa  in Kaduna state say they have write a Petition and Recall proposal to notify the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of the resolve to recall Hon. Aminu Lawal Anty, a member of the  kaduna state house of assembly.

The lawmaker represents the Doka/Gabasawa constituency of Kaduna state.

A statement released on Thursday and signed by Comrade Musa Mohammed (Moonlight), chairman /Coordinator, Recall proposal and Petition for the Removal of  Elected members or Executives said the recall letter has been submitted at INEC headquarters, Abuja, through the Kaduna Resident Commissioner of INEC.

“The Doka/Gabasawa Constituency has notified the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman, Professor Mahmood Yakubu, of the resolve of the people of Doka/Gabasawa Constituency of Kaduna State to recall Hon. Aminu Lawal Anty from the House of Assembly on account of poor representation pursuant to Section 69 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” the statement reads.

“Constituents will soon commenced collection of signatures of the voters as contained in the voters’ register which will be forwarded to the commission for verification of the voters’ signatures and subsequently to conduct a referendum for Aminu’s recall.”

The petitioners said the lawmaker has not met expectations “at a time his service is most needed”.

The Proposal read;
The Resident Commissioner
Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Kaduna State.



Our elected official, member in the Kaduna State House of Assembly,  presenting  DOKA/Gabasawa Constituency,  HON. AMINU LAWAL ANTY have become grossly negligent in doing his job,which is suppose to be representing the DOKA/GABASAWA people.

Instead of helping people who are loosing everything due to the hardship, high cost of living, as an elected official he’s too busy trying to fund pet projects and special interest groups with our tax money.
And because of his attitude, often too aggressive, very often too arrogant. 

Its past time for us to clean out of the house and save our constituency .

“It is truly hard to know what to say, beyond uttering something like “fools” when forming a thought about our representatives in the House, Senate, house of representatives and state House of Assembly’s who are all, of course, fools.

Aside from the interesting statistic that for the first time in history the aggregate IQ of the House of Assembly members equals the exact number of members in the National Assembly, there isn’t a single element of the government shutdown that doesn’t have you pulling your hair out in frustration or hiding under the bed out of fear. With a government operating like this, who needs third party terrorist threats?

You could hear Nigeria groan as the news broke on the first of the month. A chorus of “fools” swelled from breakfast tables to commuter trains as we all dropped our heads into our hands and bemoaned this most recent political obscenity.

But as I eavesdropped on fellow riders on the ever luxurious cars commute into the Villa in Abuja, National Assembly,state Assembly etc, I began to realize with a sort of chill, that this chorus of “fools” was anything but a chorus. Behind every “fool” there was a “they.” And “they” were definitely divided between an “us” and a “them.” As it turned out, I was witnessing the only true byproduct of our government these days–a rift fanned with uncertainty and fear and a nation divided by hyperbole.  Our politicians and political parties (an ironic name when you think about it) have polarized us and themselves to such an extent that nothing can get done outside of pumping up the rhetoric to a level that drowns out even he remotest whimper of reason. 
 MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, PAGAN etc . Dare to take the middle ground, and you will be branded by both sides as an extremist.
At the risk of presenting a thought we can all violently agree on, I do not have a great political mind. Defining my political acumen as “good” might actually be a stretch.  And quite frankly, anyone can and practically everyone has expressed some version of what I led with – that our Representatives are fools. It’s easy, cathartic and safe. It accomplishes nothing.
And that’s when it hit me.  There is a distinct possibility that we are the fools.

I mean, how stupid can they be? Our representatives lavish in positions of great wealth and influence. Despite a government shutdown, which many/most of them must want, they are still being paid and are catered to by enormous loyal civil servants and pensioners that are not being paid. They have the best health care plans in the world. As a unit they get nothing done. They have substituted “role models” with “poll models.” And they all have us in a lather, blathering about the ineptitude of our government in general, while somehow buoying up their individual positions as blameless, the single voices of reason in a sea of fools.

Fund me, blog for me, tweet your support, rally your friends so we can protect us and beat back them, who unchecked will destroy the universe as we know it.
Well, as the elected members  frenetically entrench themselves, cast blame and call for reinforcements, I’m suggesting all of us, DOKA/GABASAWA CONSTITUENCY regardless of our affiliations – put the vitriol on hold and take a bold and quiet step into the center. We firmly demand “HON. AMINU LAWAL ANTY TO QUIET”.

We are, after all, DOKA/GABASAWA constituency.
We will sign on the recall proposal and petition which will be send to INEC
All the polling units (stations) across the 7 wards will be issue with a copy and those eligible to vote will put on their signatures.
Only a fool would settle for anything less.


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