Fadojoe Blames Citizens For Complicity In Problems Besieging Nigeria... As He Raises Alarm Over Racketeering At Nigeria Immigration Service

Fadojoe Blames Citizens For Complicity In  Problems Besieging Nigeria... As He Raises Alarm Over Racketeering At  Nigeria Immigration Service

Comrade Faduri Oluwadare Joseph aka Fadojoe, the leader of Rescue The Vulnerable Initiative aka Rescue Movement For New Nigeria who was a presidential aspirant under Labour Party in the last election, has blamed Nigerians for being complicit in the enormous tragedies bedeviling the country, as it's still the same citizens being induced financially to be used to continuously rig the election to get the same set of politicians they keep complaining of into power.

Speaking through his usual broadcast on his official YouTube channel in a message that he said was "both to the Nigeria government and Nigerian as a people. It's obvious that right now in our country everyone is beginning to cry foul and even most of those who supported this administration to power have no mouth to defend the government again considering what is now happening.

He further lamented that the Tinubu led administration that should have started by patronizing made in Nigeria cars (even if the government still insisted on investing such huge amount of money in acquiring vehicles. "And the money used to buy the exotic cars should have produced over one million jobs for Nigerian youths, and  should have stimulated the economy and helped our dwindling naira that keeps crashing against dollar, euro, pounds and every other currencies around the world.

The activist also added that "the Aso Rock that was renovated should have been done with made in Nigeria products instead of importation of the products used in the renovation that gulped so much money from the nation treasury. We imported everything in this country yet we want the economy to be better. There is no country in the world that so relied on importation that the currency will be of serous value and that the nation will be better of.

"If our nation must be better, we must look inward and do what will create jobs and ensure productivity among our youths. But in our nation so much money has been borrowed that cannot be accounted for. Like the N5 billion shared for each state for palliatives, till now no state has been able to vividly account for the so called palliatives for the citizens. And not even a single Nigerian has been able to testify of receiving palliatives; not even the N5,000 they claimed that would be given to the poor."

Stressing that, "we are living in a country where we have everything, but lacked everything because we have helped to bring to power, leaders that have no clue about good governance and those who desire personal and family agrandissement above the wellbeing of the citizens they rule over. So we are where we are today because of the complicity of the citizens that always sell out their country every four years for mere peanuts that can't last them for a week. Then the same people will return to social media to lament for another four years and after the four years, still end up selling out again and return to cry.

"Hence, if there must be changes, if there must be a new Nigeria; then the citizens themselves have roles to play. This brings my address to the just concluded gubernatorial elections in Bayelsa, Kogi and Imo States. The same people suffering under the unbearable yokes of serious misrule and are crying daily of bad governance were still collecting N1,000 some N5,000 some wrappers just to vote the same set of people that have crashed the economy and subjected the citizens to unbearable hardship. 

"We now begin to wonder if Nigerians are truly tired of the calamity befalling the country and really desire a change. Because if there must be a change in our country then we all must be ready to offer the sacrifices needed for the change.

"Funny enough, the flimsy excuses they will be giving is that things are hard, things are so bad and that was why they collected the money, But the pertinent question to ask them is if the peanuts they have been collecting have better their lives since 1999 they have been collecting it? 

"To make matter worse, the educated people are not left out.  INEC officials, Returning Officers, Collation Officers and other adhoc staff are educated, even some are professors, yet we still hear of serious election rigging under their very watch, while most of them are also accused of being directly involved. This last three governorship election are total shame to our beloved country as the cry over the manipulations was so much. Then we will continue to wonder if there will ever be solution to the myriad of problems besieging our dear country.

"The countries we are running to like America, Canada etc are better today because the citizens paid the price for the sacrifice towards a great nation, without succumbing to selling their future. There is no politician that can give out bribe without the person or people to collect. And any politician that needs to bribe you to get your votes obviously has absolutely nothing to offer as good governance. Until Nigerians are resolute in refusing to collect money to sell their future then we can not boast of a nation".

In a similar scenario, he raised alarm over the racketeering rocking the Nigeria Immigration Service, whereby he alleged that those who want to obtain their International Passport, before they can be captured they are made to make another payment without evidence of payment, after they have made payment directly to designated government account. Categorically asserting that he has evidences to back up the allegations. And "if the Minister of Interior is not aware, I am calling his attention to the that now and I can clearly confirm the point raised here.

"What a country we are running! A country where laws and orders are not obeyed, especially by the so called highly placed. Our country is a place where people watch lawlessness being perpetrated and look away. A country where both the ruled and the rulers want to continue in the same errors, yet expect changes. A country where we help put bad people in power and expect something good. A country where we keep supporting the same people destroying the country and expect magic. 

"If we must have a new nation then, we must all sacrifice and do something new. We must support and elect people who have something to offer without financial inducement", he concluded.


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