PRP'll Reserve 35 percent Slots For Women, Gives Priority To Youths

PRP To Reserve 35 percent Slots For Women, Gives Priority To Youths 

Ahead of Saturday's Presidential polls, the People's Redemption Party ( PRP) has promised to give over 35 percent slots to women if it forms the next government .

Similarly, the party says it would Prioritise youths welfare and empowerment by allocating huge budgetary resources for youths 

Arch.Haro Haruna Zego,  the Vice Presidential candidate of the party made this known in Kaduna during an interview session with press men . 

Mr.Zego, who  accused the People's Democratic Party and the All Progressives Congress of destroying the future of the country by neglecting the women and youths, said by failing to create employment opportunities for the youths and by failing to educate them, the two parties have put the the country in a needless existential threat .

"Since the two parties failed to educate the youths and since they failed to create employment opportunities for them, the youths have become susceptible to enticements from Boko Haram,bandits and other criminal gangs across the country .

He continued, "I have had the cause of accusing our leaders one on one for being the cause of the current insecurity.Nonetheless, I can assure you that if the PRP comes to power,we shall take a deep look into how to ameliorate the problems of insecurity and Unemployment, he added 

The PRP Presidential running mate further charged the electorates to go out on Saturday massively and his party .He also advice that where the party did not field candidates, voters should choose credible and honest leaders .

Other highlights of the visit of the PRP national leadership to Television Village in Kaduna includes prayers by Christian leaders for the Presidential ambition of Kola Abiola, the Standard Bearer of the party and his running mate. 


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